Starting school sign. First day of school photo board. Back to school sign. Gift for starting school. Sign for starting nursery, preschool or school.
Our first day of school sign has been carefully designed and crafted after wanting a pretty sign for our daughters first day at school.
A great photo prop for their first day of school and back to school.
The starting school sign is that it includes the child's names in a range of colours and stars either side of the name and wipable areas where you and your child can fill in whether they are starting nursery, preschool, school etc. What school year they are in, their age, the date, their teacher and what they want to be when they are older.
What's so special about this sign is your child can grow with the sign and enjoy changing each year of school etc and you can enjoy seeing the changes they add and it's ideal for your child to have a photo with the school sign every year. Something they can keep forever and a gift to make them starting nursery, preschool or school even more exciting. We are aiming to use our school sign until our children are done with education so we can enjoy all the photos of the sign to look back on.
The starting school sign is crafted from birchwood and the whiteboard areas are crafted out of white acrylic making it easy to wipe off when you need. The sign is 18x28cm and you can pick the colours you would like for the name and the stars.